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2025 : Historic Flashlight Tours

May 17, 2025
August 9, 2025


Historic Flashlight Tours : 

$30.00/person (processing incl.)

Ages 13+

7:00PM to 11:00PM

​Limited prepaid reservations only


​Join us as we turn the lights-out, switch the flashlights on… and step back into the 19th century!


Learn about the life and times of one of Muskingum County’s most influential founding-family’s. From the early years and new business prospects at Adams Mill through the years of Civil War and the family’s heroic efforts to support the belief that all men are created equal. Learn about the joys, the tragedies and sorrows that befell this patriotic family during a remarkable period of growth, change and strife. We will also be discussing the various legends that surround the estate, even some of the ghosts that still call Prospect Place home.


After the tour, you are welcome to explore the mansion and estate and do a little ghost hunting of your own, to see for yourself if the legends are true.  Bring a flashlight, camera, and perhaps a voice-recorder; there’s no telling what you’ll discover.


6:00pm - Gates open.  (Do not access the grounds until the gates are opened.)

6:30pm - Mansion open

7:00pm - Guided tour begins

For the benefit and enjoyment of all participants, NO ONE WILL BE ADMITTED AFTER 7:30PM


To reserve your space, email to request registration information.


All proceeds benefit the restoration and preservation of Historic Prospect Place Estate.


Historic Prospect Place Estate is owned and operated by the G.W. Adams Educational Center; an all-volunteer Ohio registered 501-c-3 Nonprofit Organization. Our mission: to preserve, restore and protect the Prospect Place mansion and estate for future generations. To promote education activities relating to early commerce, development of neighboring communities, the Underground Railroad of the 19th century, and the involvement in these activities by George Willison Adams, his family, neighbors and friends. To support related educational and charitable endeavors that engage and benefit the citizens of our local and regional communities.


Absolutely no photography or video image is to be used for personal profit without the expressed written permission from the Board of Directors.  Violation of this rule will result in legal action.


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